Since I started surfing the Eisbach
in 2001 I was always so hooked that I wanted
to surf it all day, every day, all year long.

Unfortunately winters in Munich get very harsh with tons of snow, ice and to make it even worse only a few hours of light a day.

On this particular day I was extra hyped for a surf but everything was running against me. I couldn’t leave work as early as I wanted to and with temperatures far below zero degrees it was very hard to find surf buddies. Still I kept pushing myself and my buddies.

We eventually made it to the Eisbach with only one hour of light left.

Outside conditions were as bad as it can and there was absolutely nobody around. To make it worse the shore was covered with ice and getting down to the river was a mission by itself. Anyhow, ones on the wave it was worse all the trouble. We had a really good remarkable session and I definitely got my surf stoke out of it.


During the session I saw this guy with his camera and remember that I was almost relieved to realise that we were not the only mental cases who leave the house on a day like this. The guy approach me after the session and showed me some pics on the little screen on his camera. They looked great and he gave me his email, took some portrait shoot and went off.

Days later when I was preparing for a surf I found the letter with his email and contacted him. It came out that he actually lives very close to me and is a pretty gifted photographer as you can see on the pictures.

Enjoy and keep on surfing,